10月9日和10日,BITC迎来了来自上海交大教育集团(ShangHai JiaoDa Education Group)及其附属机构的尊贵访客,包括贾英杰院长(上海交大教育集团国际教育研究院)、史伟院长(上海交大教育集团大健康研究院院长、上海交大南洋现代教育中心法人兼校长、上海开放大学交大昂立分校校长)、丁明董事长(学之创教育科技公司创始人)、以及上海紫轩书院创院长穆晓峰博士和陆老师。

BITC的执行主席Chay Yee(PBM)和高等教育学院执行董事Sudeep Sreedharan热情接待贵宾,双方探讨了未来合作的多种可能性。随后贵宾们参观了BITC的教室和烘焙工作坊,并饶有兴趣的与师生们进行了交流。

此外,贵宾们还品尝了BITC特制的糕点以及Straits Bakery餐厅的特色娘惹菜肴。


On October 9th and 10th, BITC welcomed esteemed guests from Shanghai JiaoDa Education Group and its affiliated institutions, including Dean Jia (Shanghai JiaoDa Education Group International Studies College), Dean Shi (Shanghai JiaoDa education group Health Care College, Shanghai JiaoDa Nan Yang Modern Education Center, Shanghai Open University ONLY College), Chairman Ding Ming (Xue Zhi Chuang Education Technology Company), as well as Dr. Mu, the founding director of Shanghai ZiXuan Academy, and Teacher Lu.

BITC’s Executive Chairman Chay Yee (PBM) and Executive Director of the School of Higher Education, Sudeep Sreedharan, warmly received the guests. Both sides explored various possibilities for future collaborations. The guests also had the opportunity to visit BITC’s classrooms and baking workshops and engaged in lively interactions with faculty and students.

Furthermore, the guests had the chance to sample BITC’s signature pastries and the distinctive Nyonya cuisine at the Straits Bakery restaurant. BITC is deeply honored to receive recognition from VIP guests and looks forward to collaborating with more high-quality education resources in the future.

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