Parneet Kaur-Employee of the Month

To pursue her dreams, Parneet left for Singapore to take up a Diploma in Hospitality Management (Patisseries & Baking) course with Baking Industry Training College (BITC) having never travelled out of India. Venturing abroad for the first time comes with a tidal wave of emotions, one of hope, anxiety, joy, and concern.
Anxiety dissipated
Parneet arrived in Singapore in January 2020 and her anxiety dissipated as she quickly settled into life in a new country, a new college, and making new friends. She credits this to the staff and lecturers of BITC who were there for her and her course mates, making sure they adjusted to life in a new environment as they started their academic journey. She is now ready for the life of an International Student.
Concern over Covid-19 pandemic
The Singapore circuit breaker measures (CB) were imposed on the general population on 7 April 2020. CB was a stay-at-home and cordon sanitaire* implemented as a preventive measure in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Parneet’s course went online and a feeling of concern started to creep in. The concern of her well-being, concern about the well-being of her loved ones back home. Again, she is faced with a new environment. As the college switched to online classes during the CB period, and according to Parneet it did not end there. Pastoral care was extended to her and all other students who were experiencing the uncertainty that comes with an unprecedented pandemic away from home. Student services were constantly in touch with the cohort to allay any doubts they may have.
Joy at Industrial Attachment
Parneet was awarded Employee of the Month, November 2020. She started her Industrial Attachment (IA) in September 2020. It is quite an accomplishment for an individual only 2 months into the job. The college placed her for IA at The Landmark Restaurant, Village Bugis Hotel. There she quickly adapted to working life and applied what she has learned. She stood out among her colleagues as she was always willing to offer suggestions to improve efficiency in the workplace. IA is a compulsory and integral part of the course.

Hope for the future
Parneet will complete her IA in March 2021. She plans to continue her academic journey with BITC. She will be enrolling in Advanced Diploma in Hospitality (Cafe Management). The course starts in April 2021. This is a step closer to her dreams of taking her Degree and settling down in Canada. A childhood dream she plans to fulfil.
We at BITC are very proud of her tenacity to pursue the goals she set for herself. As a college, we will give her the platform she needs to achieve her dreams. We look forward to welcoming her back to the college.
*A cordon sanitaire ( French for “sanitary cordon”) is the restriction of movement of people into or out of a defined geographic area, such as a community, region, or country. The term originally denoted a barrier used to stop the spread of infectious diseases.
*Safe management measures were observed during the interview and photo-taking session*