Extension for Covid-19 Coverage
The well-being of students attending Baking Industry Training College (BITC) is of utmost importance. With the unprecedented Covid-19 pandemic still looming large, BITC has extended the insurance coverage policy (Policy) to include Covid-19 coverage within the 14 days of Stay-Home Notice (SHN) upon entry to Singapore. This is applicable to International Students from Asia countries,
The Policy extends to cover hospitalization treatment for Covid-19 in the event the Insured Student (whose Student Pass is listed under the Policy) is diagnosed with Covid-19 within 14 days whilst serving SHN upon entry to Singapore. (Please see the Schedule of Benefits listed below)
Kindly note that the Policy ceases automatically after 14 days from the date of arrival to Singapore.
The policy does not cover any non-hospitalisation related expenses incurred by the Insured Student. These non-hospitalisation expenses that are not covered includes but not limited to;
- Mandatory Covid-19 swab tests that the Insured Student is required to take for entry or exit from Singapore including post-arrival and pre-departure tests.
- Any costs incurred for the SHN, quarantines or isolation facilities.
The Policy shall not pay in the event that the Insured Student is diagnosed with Covid-19 resulting from a breach to the terms of the SHN set forth by the School, Ministries and Statutory Boards of Singapore.
Schedule of Benefits. (The overall maximum Limit per policy period (benefits 1-9) is up to S$20,000/-
- (a) Daily Room & Board * Based on C/ B2/ B1 ward in Singapore Government/Singapore Government Restructured Hospitals (b) Intensive Care Unit
- Hospital Miscellaneous Services
- Surgical Fees
- In-Hospital Physician Visits
- Pre-Hospitalization Specialist Consultation Fees
- Pre-Hospitalization Diagnostic X-Ray & Laboratory Test
- Pre-Hospitalization Treatment
- Medical Report Fee
- Ambulance Fee
- Pro-Ration Factor of 65% will apply if Insured Student Student is warded in a higher ward in Singapore Government/Restructured Hospitals.
The policy is undertaken by Liberty Insurance Pte Ltd, a PEI-appointed medical insurance provider. For further information, kindly email info@bitc.edu.sg