On November 27th, we had the pleasure of hosting a delightful baking workshop at BITC for 16 wonderful children and their parents from the South Central Community Family Service Centre. It was a day charged with sweetness and creativity, as our BITC students stepped into the role of mentors, sharing the baking knowledge they’ve acquired with the younger generation.

Our Superb Baking Day was a heartwarming sight to behold, with the children eagerly learning how to make scrumptious chocolate cupcake. Their little hands carefully mixed, poured, and baked, under the patient guidance of our students. The highlight was watching them sprinkle a rainbow of colourful chocolate candies atop their creations, infusing their individuality into each cupcake.

What a way to welcome Christmas πŸŽ… by creating smiles on the little ones faces when they saw their self-made chocolate cupcakes with colourful sprinkles. 🧁✨

The day was not just about baking; it was about community, sharing, and giving back. We are incredibly proud of our students for using their skills to not only teach but also to bring joy to these children. It’s moments like these that truly embody the spirit of charity and the essence of BITC – where baking and heart come together.

#BITC #BakingWorkshop #SuperbBakingDay #CommunityLove #ChocolateCupcakes #BakingSkills #CharityEvent #BakingJoy #FutureBakers