Chef Trainer briefed the guests on the various pastries and desserts that he is going to demonstrate.
Chef Trainer extended a warm welcome to all the guests.
Chef Trainer demonstrated on how to make Hand; – Stretched Pizza
Guests sampled the food that were demonstrated earlier.
Guests queued eagerly to purchase the beautifully baked desserts.
Hundreds baking enthusiast, aspiring chefs, bakers, patisseries & budding F&B entrepreneurs. Participated in BITC Free Course Preview and Open House to learn more about our Pastry & Baking Arts courses. Free Demo: Hand-stretched Pizza and Stuffed Bread Exciting Event with Free Goodie Bag, F&B Voucher and Snacks Provided.
Get in touch • 9297 2853 & 9637 9433 •
to find out about our next open house & Diploma in Pastry & Baking Arts